Chiropractors work with patients through a non-invasive approach to health and wellness. One of many treatments includes helping babies after a C-section birth. In the long run, this benefits not only the baby but can help the mother as well.
New-borns, especially those born via C-section, face different challenges as opposed to babies born through the birth canal (natural birth).
More stress on the baby
Oftentimes, C-section births are due to complications that require an emergency C-section. Everything that happens during the birthing process is not only stressful to the mother, but also to that little one about to make their appearance in the world.
Baby’s spine does not realign with C-section
When your baby does not travel through the birth canal due to a C-section, their bodies and ultimately, their spinal cord does not get moved, pressed and simulated as it should. This often causes a delay in the neurological integration which is necessary for your baby to respond, develop and reach their milestones.
Possible long-term concerns
Often many C-section babies struggle to breastfeed due to their spinal movement being restricted, especially in their neck and upper back. Some babies born via c section may also experience slower development, breathing conditions such as asthma, and weight issues like obesity. For all these reasons, the benefits of chiropractic care for C-section babies are very important.
Chiropractic adjustments/ chiropractic care are not the same for adults, children, and babies. The gentle approach for infants helps ease some of the initial complications that result after a C-section birth. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to adjusting infants, as the adjustment techniques and techniques used for adults and children are different. Adjustments for infants are generally gentle and focused on the areas of the body that are most tender.
It helps to soothe and reduces the symptoms of colic
Babies may have colic because of gastrointestinal issues such as too many winds or acid reflux. A chiropractor can help the babies to get some relief from the discomfort in their little bellies.
Less fuss from baby, more happy bonding time
Babies born via c section are often fussier than those born via natural birth. As mentioned, C-section babies and their mothers may face more challenges during the time directly after birth. Having to calm a fussy baby can be disheartening. It may be because they have colic or other stimulants that are becoming overwhelming for them.
Better wellness
The Central Nervous System is one of the major points zoned in with chiropractic treatment. The CNS influences everything our body does. When the CNS isn’t reading messages properly, it could result in, for example, increased allergy symptoms, infections, and as a result, an unhappy baby.
Improved sleep
If your baby isn’t fussing or uncomfortable then he/she is probably very happy or in a generally good mood. But if sleep is deprived due to discomfort that not only means a sleepless night for the baby but for the parents too. Babies need sleep to grow and develop. As a result, sleep strengthens their immune system and keeps them healthy.
Chiropractic adjustments are good to help babies and as a result, their parents, enjoy a good night’s rest.
It isn’t painful
When you source a reputable, knowledgeable chiropractor, you can be certain that your baby is in the right hands. Experienced chiropractors know how to adjust a baby’s delicate spine. In many instances, the baby is asleep throughout the process. If you are concerned about your baby’s health, see a chiropractor. A chiropractor can help babies with a variety of health issues, including colic, reflux, and developmental issues.
If you are a mom who had just had a caesarean birth, then feel free to book a consultation with your chiropractor.